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God continues to utilize our Church/Ministry to impact the lives of many people.
Here are a few words from some of those who have been blessed by Lansdowne Full Gospel Church.

Pastor Joseph: In 1970 I went into the Army and after my stateside training I went to Okinawa for 18 months. From there I went to Thailand, and that is when I was introduced to drugs. Upon my return to the United States I continued on with drugs and drinking. This life style caused a lot of problems with family, friends and the police. In 1975 when I was about to turn 25 years old I ask myself the question “ What was life all about and why was I living “. 

One night I went to my brother-in-laws cousin’s house to get high with him and while there, he ask the same question that was in my heart that week “What was life all about and why are we living “. When ask that question I replied…Man is to marry, have children, live on the Earth and…that was it I could go no farther. Then God or a angel, I don’t know, said in a voice as clear as Bob or I was speaking “Then there is God “. I jumped into the air and yelled “Hallelujah”, which was a word I’ve never used before, and all I could say after that was I found God over and over again. In 1976 I started going to Lansdowne Full Gospel Church, which was under a different name at that time, and this is where I learned how to serve God in spirit and in truth. I have been the Pastor here since 2004. This church talks the talk and walks the walk, so if you want the truth in word and deed come see and be part of the house that God built!

Sister Evy: I was raised in this church most of my life and it’s because of God’s Amazing Grace why I am here today. At the age of six I was diagnosed with epilepsy and at the age of twelve I was taking four Phenobarbital pills a day. At the age of twelve God spoke to me and said this is your night. There was a revival in town and I knew that night I would be healed. Praise the Lord I’m still healed today and thanking Him every day for the healing of my body and saving my soul. I met my husband here in this church in 1978 and never gave him much thought because I had decided to go my own way and staying in church was not in my plans. 

As life went on I went down some wrong roads. I had something happen to me and when I woke up I realized I needed Jesus in my life, so I cried out and Jesus heard my cry and welcomed me back home. Pastor Joseph & I got back together and got married and my life has been blessed every day since. We are always going to go through things in this life but we don’t have to go through it all alone. “ Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Lansdowne Full Gospel Church is the watering hole for my soul!

Brother Bobby: God was always part of my life because of my mom, and at an early age I ask Jesus to come into my heart. But at the age of sixteen tragedy struck our home. My younger sister had been murdered and the police blamed me. With no evidence against me and having a blinded jury to the facts of the case they needed an escape goat and I was it. I went to prison for 22 years for something I didn’t do. There were many trails in there but God brought me through them all.

When all the darkness of hell surrounded me Jesus was there right beside me. The same God that was with me in prison was there when I got out. He blessed me with a wife and two sons and a good job so I could provide for them. The same church I went to as a child is the one I go to now…Lansdowne Full Gospel Church. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. I have my freedom from prison because of God and I have my freedom from sin because of His Son…Jesus!

Brother Gary: Brother Bobby is my real brother and we cut our teeth on the same altar. Just last year, 2015, I had a real problem with smoking. I would try and try but I was too weak to beat the habit. It got to the point that I called Pastor Joseph and told him I could no longer come to church because I was ashamed of my weakness for smoking. Pastor Joseph told me that is just what the devil wants you to do and no matter how many times you fall get back up and pray.

We have to learn to push the devil out of our way and put him in his place, which is under our feet. P.U.S.H…Pray Until Something Happens. I pushed and now I’ve been free from smoking for over a year…Praise the Lord.

Brother Richard: God has watched over me all my life and has kept me safe. I live with my brother and his wife and I love them so much for providing a home where I can feel the love and concern for my well being. Christmas is the most special time of year for me because of the birth of Jesus. God healed my body of a severe case of bronchitis in both lungs in 2007 and in everything that life brings my way Jesus is right there with me. I love Lansdowne full Gospel Church and I am a very important member there. I receive the offerings and greet new visitors and give them welcome cards. I love to read and study God word. My brothers and sisters at church are truly a family to me. I can feel the love!!!

Sister Fran: My experience with God and this church got off on the wrong foot the first time around. In 1998 I went looking for a church and I stopped in to see about this church which was under another name at the time. I was very carnal minded at the time and their love and acceptance of me was too much for me to handle. So when service was over out the door I went with the words “I’ll not be back to this church “. Well…fast forward to 2008 and God started dealing with my soul and giving me direction. Yeah that’s right the direction was right back to this loving little pushy church…and here is the rest of the story…I fell in love with the church, I got baptized in 2009, and I’m now adult Sunday School teacher and Secretary of the church…Lansdowne Full Gospel Church. Where the word is right, the road is still straight. And Satan has no place!!! Ain’t that Righttttt! 

Sister Betty: A.K.A. Mama B…Well… I went to this church when it was a Baptist church, and then when Brother Burr bought the church in 1967 I stayed. My husband was a rebel and Brother & Sister Burr would talk to him about getting right with God but Joe was kinda hard headed. Pastor Joseph started pastoring the church in 2004 and picked right up with Joe where Brother and Sister Burr left off.

To make a long story short, Joe got saved and my son Rick. Rick’s life had a lot of struggles but we had peace when he passed away. This church is a praying church and our favorite word is Believe. Prayer changes thing and God is still on the throne.

Brother Madison: I’ve known Brother Joseph along time, but in 2004 he became Pastor of this church, and I came along for the ride. In the over twelve years I’ve been here I’ve played many rolls. I am the lead guitarist, preach when ask to or the Holy Ghost hits me, sing almost every service, I guess that’s why we don’t have many people…Ha Ha Ha, and fill in for Pastor Joseph when he is on the road or not able to be in church. God has done so much for me and my wife I could write a book about His goodness to us. I am over 80 years old and my calling is Evangelism but running the road for the Lord is mostly memories. I thank the Lord for Lansdowne Full Gospel Church where we can feel the liberity of the Spirit and Jesus is still Lord of Lord’s and King of Kings.

Brother Dave & Sister Mary: Both of our families were with Brother Burr when he started a work in Baltimore and eventually started a Lansdowne church in the mid sixties. This church is our home away from home.

We have seen this church at its high and its low and the one thing that has never changed is God or the word that is preached here. The Lord has brought us through dry places and we have seen God pour out blessing that we could not contain. “Believe”… and be faithful because Jesus is coming soon!

Sister Ann: I came to know this church through a hymn sing I was invited to attend there. I was saved and had faith in God but this church took me to a higher level. I guess the best word to use for what this church has done for me is “stability”. God and His word via bible study, preaching in the church and my faith has given me the peace of God that I needed, and has turned my weakness into steping stones in growing in God. I was very shy but now I testify and even get up and sing a solo once in a while. That’s beautiful…that’s God!

The Five Benditos: We are part of Sister Evy’s Sunday School class and look forward to learning about God, family life and how to deal with our everday living in this world. We hope one day to take this church over…that is after Pastor Joseph & Sister Evy are gone. Jesus has made a big difference in our lives and we are looking forward to making big changes in this world one person at a time for God.

Jesus te ama…and so do we.

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